(no subject)

May 23, 2005 19:19

x What is your first name?: kelly
x What is your second name?: lauren
x When is your birthday?: 12.4.90

x How old are you?: 14
x What is your zodiac sign?: sagitarious
/L/O/O/K/ A/T/ M/E/

x Whats your natural hair color?: blonde
x What is your current hair color?: sorda redish brown
x What color are your eyes?: green
x Tatoos?: no
x Long or Short Hair?: medium?

x Straight or Curly?: straight
x How tall are you?: 5'5
x Whats your shoe size?: 8 1/2

/C/U/R/R/E/N/T/L/Y/ W/E/A/R/I/N/G

x What shirt are you wearing?: a  wc's cicken wing shit, lol
x What kind of shorts/pants/ are you wearing?: hollister crop pants
x Socks?: no
x Necklaces?: yeh
x Braclets?: yeh
x Lipgloss?: no
x Mascara?: yeh
x Eyeliner?: no
x Any other make up?: powder
x Is your hair up or down?: up

x Craziest? jenna
x Funniest? cat
x One you spend the most time with? julia
x One you laugh the most with? julia and cat
x One that you dont get to spend a lot of time with but u wish you did? reed
x One who has the most classes with you? cat
x One that lives closet to you? amber used to but now becca and hannah n lauren
 x One that will fall in the love the soonest? julia
x Smartest? amber
x Blondest?jaime n han
x Flirtest? all of em!
x Prettiest? all of them.. duh
x Most Popular? idk
x One with the most boyfriends/girlfriends? me?lol idk
x One that will cry the most on graduation day? pretty much everyone

x One that will get in the most trouble during high school? all of us pretty much
x One that you have known the longest? hannah and becca
x One that willl go to college and succed in life? sarah
x One that will not go to college? prolly me lol
x One that will take the longest to find that special someone? most deffinently me

x One that will attend the most parties in college? prolly me or chels
x One that you get in the most trouble with? kaitlyn or kelli
x One that makes u laugh the most? tyler or julia
x Which one will become a pro athlete? lindsey
x Which one will become rich? idk.
x Which one will marrry someone rich? every freakin one of us.
x One that you will miss the most after school? skyler and pretty much everyone
/H/A/V/E/ Y/O/U/ E/V/E/R/

Kissed the opposite sex?: yeh
kissed the same Sex?: yeh
Had sex?: no
made out with someone?: yeh
Hugged someone?: yeh
was on the phone until the sun came up?: yeh a lot of times
Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours?: i don't think so
Gone Skinny dipping?: sure have
Flashed anyone?:yeh
Mooned anyone?: no
laughed so hard u pissed in your pants?: no,  thank god
got in a fight with someone ( not including siblings )?: onplenty of times!
Got chased by the police?: no
Got in trouble with the police?: yep
Got detention?: yeh
Went to Juvy?: no
Stole anything?: yeh
Went streaking?: no
Crashed a party?: no
Got Wasted?: nohehe
phone sex?: no! wow gross
cyber sex?: no
Slept past 4 in the afternooon?: yeh
Dumped someone?: yep sure have
Got Dumped?: yeh
rejected someone?: yeh
got rejected?: yeh
Skipped School?: skipped class

/T/H/E/ L/A/S/T/

person u talked to in person?: my mom

person u talked to online?: kelli
person u talked to on the phone?: josh
movie u seen in the theaters?: havent seen a movie uin like 3 months
thing u ate?: ummm pizza at lunch
drank?: water
laughed?: prolly at josh
cried?: a few days ago
person u hugged?: idk
person u kissed?: josh!
person u told u loved them?:josh
person u told them u needed them?:not gona go into that
person u told them u missed them?: reed
person your thinking about rite now: josh
time u took a shower?: last night


Do you like surveys?: no
What kind of shampoo do you use?: pantine pro-v 
Do you ever wonder what you life will be like 10 years down the road?: yeh
Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years?: heck yes!
Do you get along with your parents?: like never

Are you old enough to vote?: nope
Are you happy?: like almost never
Are you sad?: not at the moment =)
Do you have mental breakdowns?: not constantly

Did you ever tell you parents u didnt feel good so you didnt have to go to school?: yeh, i did that the other day

Do you have a cell phone: yep but its gay so i keep trying to break it so i can get a new one
Are you glad this is over?: pretty much
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