Nov 18, 2007 00:36
so the other day I turned on the dick switch (the counter part to the bitch switch found on the female models). I was doing something on my computer for Angela, she had just moved so her trillien client was still up (um, for those of you not in the know, trillian is like the IM client to rule them all.).
So one of her friends decide to IM me while I am working. they say something to the effect of "did you know okay is slang?" I say something like "no" and they proceed to say "know how I knew that? 'cause Firefox said it was wrong!!" for some reason I decided that this is not right. so I reply "Just because Google says its wrong does not make it wrong." (google does the spell checking for Firefox last time I checked) so he tries to say something and I come right back with saying: "if Google told you to jump off a bridge because you were detriment to society would you do it?"
Angela saw me typing this and starts laughing her ass off saying something to the effect "that was the meanest thing you've have said today!" and basically the guy online stopped talking and made an excuse to leave.