Feb 11, 2008 12:30
ugh omg im sick of this sex shiite...i mean hell brian pissed me off enuf when most of our convo was almost sex related with a decent amount of FEW exceptions...but holy crap!! i mean even steve is getting more "sexual" on his talk and im like ugh...this is why i took bc pills...
or as i put in my bullitin once...I dont need sex to make me happy...and brian thought that was toward him...i mean that boy is soo frackin sensitive its likee wow...just keep lying to urself...
but lisa had a good point...dont make urself think that i care bout to think about u that much...or at least when it comes to bulletins...i mean if you think it might be bout u and itll bother u...simple solution...dnt read it...
so why am i still bitichin bout brian...bc i still care for him and ill admit that. and he said he bout me a gift from VS and i still want it dammit...frack...i sent him his and i still dnt get a thank you. his mama must not have manners bc if she did...her boy would have some too...shiite even a civil thanks would be nice...
i hope this boy makes it in freelancing bc with his tude...shiite he wont get very far.
also steve is getting on my nerves bc right now he's doing what brian used to do to an extent and im like i dnt want any of that shiite unless it IS brian for now...other than that its like id rather focus on school and getting a career and a great job bc love/sex dnt pay the bills.
im out for a future ppl...i dnt want to be held dwn but doesnt mean i want to lose connections u know??
stupid boyz...
and f u if u see my misspellings...i dnt care lol!! but seriously im just tired of ppl starting shit either it be good or bad that it annoys me...
annoying: brian starting fights or making it seem like he is when im just trying to figure out a problem...i mean holy crap...he kept hiding things from me and expected me to be ok with it?? screw that shiite!!
my conclusion and ill eventually have to except it no matter what unless he can realize it himself
"he is an insecure, non appriciative, and irrational little boy that its like COME ONE NOW!" GROW THE FUCK UP! i have more to say but thats not on my mind right now...
exhibits and info class is and im trying to figure out what bar i can go to to take pictures...rawr...
also another thing that just popped up...3somes...guys need to know one girl will get angry or jealous than the other...no matter what they say...brian kept pushing for one and im like suuure! go get two girls you know and wouldnt mind fucking and just A) dnt tell me about it or B) be like ok ill do it and have fun!
i cared for that boy but i realized i wasnt jealous because i was secure with myself to know im worth it...when will he realize he can b too if he only grew up?
and no im not done...ill bitch about him more...but in another post...