Dec 17, 2005 04:55
Sooo yeah..........still waiting for new harddrive.....just actually toooooo lazy to call and be like yo where is new harddrive.....waranty i think ends by january....and i can't get it until after then.....anways yeah
so last final.....i need a C in that course..........i mean i neeed a c in every course to graduate...but that course in particular.........a c is a prerequiste for my spring courses..........if i had a D....i'd have to drop the spring coruses.......and this course is only offered in i'd be a year behind. i was soooo scared i wouldn't ge ta C...i did semi study for the finall...i coudl've studied more instaed of going to the bars the night before.......but the shit that was on the final....i would not have studied for........i calculated i needed a 32% to get a C in teh course and it came downt o i left ...out of 100 points...i left 2 30 point questions i'm starting with 40 points.....the 2 20 point questions...i coudl do mostly...but stilll couldn't complete......i undercalculated my hw average....exam 1...exam and hw are all 25% each......i thought i had a 70 hw average, but it was mroe of an 80.....don't konw what i got on the final...but got a C in the course anyways.....yeah....bed i gues now.