Ninja Legends: Plus Misty's not there anymore
PsychoSubZ: screw them
Ninja Legends: But on another series, Pokemon Chronicles, I have found out that Jhonen is on that XD
PsychoSubZ: omg what?
Ninja Legends: Why Jhonen is playing a professor on a pokemon show...I have no idea
Ninja Legends: He plays a professor XD
PsychoSubZ: ...Why would Jhonen... MY BRAIN EXPLODED
Ninja Legends: XD Mine did too when I saw that in the appearances area of his bio.
PsychoSubZ: are you sure it wasn't a joke...?
Ninja Legends: I don't think so....then again, I haven't watched that Pokemon series, so I wouldn't know.
Ninja Legends: It just freaked me out when I saw it
Ninja Legends: And at the same time I exploded into laughter
PsychoSubZ: Was he Prof. Creepy Pants?
Ninja Legends: XD No
Ninja Legends: Professor Nanba or something
PsychoSubZ: I'd be creepy pants... cuz thats a cool name
Ninja Legends: XD
Ninja Legends: No kids would ever go near you
Ninja Legends: Their parents wouldn't let you
PsychoSubZ: "HELLO! I'm Prof. Creepy Pants! It's my job to study pokemon... BY PUTING THEM IN PEOPLES PANTS :O"
PsychoSubZ: YAY!
Ninja Legends: *them
Ninja Legends: XD!!!!
Ninja Legends: Putting pokemon in people's pants...omfg...XD
PsychoSubZ: I'm a genuis :O
Ninja Legends: XD Yes