German town.

Apr 07, 2009 18:06

Hello all (or Guten tag for Jenna:))

I accidentally somehow opened a really old Livejournal entry from back in about 2003, so of course, when that happens you just have to keep reading. What an absolute tit I was. I mean really? I remember thinking at the time that I was so grown up and mature and blah. When in fact I acted like a little brat whose entries were full of absolute pish. Don't get me wrong there were a few that were really funny. Mainly little things that we had all come up with that I had forgotten about. Honestly one, or all of you should have slapped me back into place back then. I guess though that it has gotten me to where I am today...

DEUTSCHLAND! Dun dun dun!

It's going pretty well over here although for ages we didnt have any work to do so it turned into a bit of a holiday! Which is nice until you have to start doing work and you realise that you can't remember how to do anything! (If you would like to follow my adventures, then you can go onto this blog..., it is more of an art blog for my teachers at home but I have also been updating about things we have been doing over here!)

I know i should really tell you all about the wonderful things I have been getting up to but you can read it all on there AND THERE ARE PICTURES:D

Hope you are all doing well! Would be lovely to speak to you all!
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