Jun 14, 2005 01:12
DaveyJ987: My goal is not to fight you.
DaveyJ987: It is to sneak up on you.
WisconsinHonkie: you THINK you'll get me
WisconsinHonkie: but what if i know you're trying to sneak up on me and you get a foot away i turn around and get you first
DaveyJ987: Cuz I'll have a blade.
DaveyJ987: You won't.
DaveyJ987: You'll be missing an arm.
DaveyJ987: Hahaha
WisconsinHonkie: lmao you better hope you take that arm and run because ill be picking it up with my strong arm and smacking you back to china
DaveyJ987: Ninja's are from Japan, idiot. Hahaha
DaveyJ987: THis is fun.
WisconsinHonkie: lol
WisconsinHonkie: ill smack the ninja out of you and make him cry in pain when my torn arm is lodged up his arse
WisconsinHonkie: lets see you try sneaking around with an arm in your anus
WisconsinHonkie: you'd be like a ninja penguin
DaveyJ987: Let's see you hold me down and put the arm in there with only ONE arm.
WisconsinHonkie: i have 2 feet
DaveyJ987: Then I can knock you over.
DaveyJ987: Ninja's can escape from any hold.
WisconsinHonkie: ill sit on you with my ghetto booty
DaveyJ987: Hahaha
WisconsinHonkie: except from the hold of my ghetto hyney
WisconsinHonkie: sp?
DaveyJ987: Hehe
WisconsinHonkie: oh yeah! what!? lol
DaveyJ987: I'll stab it with shuriken.
WisconsinHonkie: i'll pretend that i know what that is and counter attack that with my milking cow hidden teet
DaveyJ987: Shuriken's are ninja stars.
WisconsinHonkie: wasnt that easier
WisconsinHonkie: ill catch em with my teeth and say ARRRRG!
WisconsinHonkie: *munch munch munch*