APPLICATION @ amatomnes

Aug 07, 2010 02:15

» Journal: wundt
» Birthdate/Age: 18.
» Characters Played: None.

» Name: Euphemia Li Britannia
» Fandom: Code Geass
» Reference:
» Canon Point: Just prior to the ceremony celebrating the designation of the special zone.
» Gender: Female
» Age: Sixteen
» Orientation: Heterosexual

» Personality:
Of all the children of Emperor Charles zi Britannia, Euphemia is the most ordinary. She isn’t skilled in tactical battle or blessed with extraordinary intelligence, nor is she all too savvy with politics or leading like her siblings. This isn’t to say, however, that she’s the weak link of her family. Her heart and conviction tend to dominate her choices, and though this can often be detrimental, it also causes her to be a sympathetic sub-viceroy for Area 11. Unlike others of royal lineage in Britannia, she is aware of the plight of the Japanese and is convinced that things can be made better for both sides of the struggle. A pacifist, she despises war in all its forms and has an overwhelming dream of a gentler world, a world in which no one will ever have to lose a loved one to the horrors of war ever again, as she did when her brother Clovis was killed by Zero. In this world, she hopes that all will live happily side by side, and that she will again live with her outcast siblings Nunnally and Lelouch as she did in the past.

Euphie is idealistic to a fault, but no one could ever say that she doesn’t mean well one hundred percent of the time. As a rule, she strives to be happy and optimistic, and is generally friendly toward anyone. She was doted on by her siblings as a younger and frailer member of the family, but this isn’t always the case. Euphemia dislikes her post as sub-viceroy, but doesn’t hesitate to use it to her advantage, convinced (like Suzaku) that the system must be changed from within and that bloodshed is never an acceptable method to find change. Even so, she doesn’t blame Lelouch for his decision to become Zero; instead, she invites him to side with her on her journey to rebuild Japan. Her relationship with her brother is close due to their past, as it is with all of her kin, though her efforts toward peace tend to clash with his ambitions.

Important to Euphemia is her knight, Suzaku Kururugi, who was appointed as her personal guard much to the shock and horror of Britannian nobles. She trusts and loves Suzaku, as it was he who made real the plight of the Japanese people in her mind. Not only this, but they share the same goals and intentions for Japan. Despite the backlash she received for appointing Suzaku, she remains steadfast in her decision, and encourages Suzaku to do the same. She hopes to have him at her side for the rebuilding of Japan not as her knight, but as her equal and quite possibly something more than that, this being a symbol for the future when the Japanese and Britannians can work side by side without past hatred and discrimination.

Euphie and Suzaku also share the same self-loathing, though it stems from different sources for each. Seeing herself inferior to her brilliant brothers and sisters, she feels as though she is struggling to keep up with them in the world and the race for the throne, though she doesn’t desire to rule. Her outward bubbliness and gentle spirit belie her feelings of inferiority, but there is no doubt that they still exist. This is why she can understand her knight, whose self-loathing is a product of his guilt regarding the death of his father. She sympathises with him and commands him to “love her”, caring too much about him to allow him to “hate himself”, as she believes he does.

In the end, Euphemia is impulsive and caring with the tendency to act without putting too much thought into the matter. Despite being not quite up to par with her siblings, she’s experienced with diplomacy and knows how to get what she wants. She despises violence, war, and hatred, and yearns to understand rather than dominate. She has a compulsive streak to help others, and will often put others first at the risk of her own well-being. Euphemia li Britannia may be bubbly, cute, and overly kind, but she isn’t the damsel in distress type of princess that is typical of other, similar characters.

» Appearance:
There’s no way to describe Euphemia Li Britannia’s outward appearance as anything other than beautiful. She has long, waist-length pink hair with tresses that are rolled into buns on either side of her head. Her eyes are large, blue, and rather innocent-looking, and she has a tendency toward wearing long, extravagant gowns as a testament to her royal status.

» Suitability:
Euphie may seem rather naïve and careless at times, but that isn’t to say that she is genuinely this way. On the contrary, she’s very mature for her age and her royal background has exposed her to the world in a different manner than a usual sixteen-year-old girl. There’s no doubt that she would be able to hold her own in an environment like this after some adjustment. She’s not exactly a kid.

» "amatomnes" Entry:
[ the video feed opens on a girl who holds an air of nobility. she seems to have gotten the knack of the device, because there's no problem in hearing or seeing her as she begins to speak into it: ]

To anyone who gets this message: this is Euphemia li Britannia, third princess of the Britannian Empire, and I can't seem to figure out where I am. If this is some sort of kidnapping plot...please, I don't care what happens to me, just let me settle things in Area 11 first! I'm doing this for everyone, don't you see?

[ euphie's expression is beginning to wear down into raw emotion as she pleads with the unseen. she isn't sure what's going on, but she seems to have her own suspicions. before cutting off the feed, she murmurs one last word so that it's barely above an audible whisper: ]


» "amatomneslogs" Entry:
Waking up was a feeling she knew quite well. She knew the feel of silken sheets mussing her hair and moulding against her skin just so that she could open her eyes comfortably and meet the rising sun, knowing exactly where and when she belonged. But waking up here was a different experience; she felt warmer than usual, ravished, but deliriously satisfied. However, she wasn't aware that there was anything really wrong until her eyes opened and adjusted to her surroundings. Her brow furrowed first, before taking in what was before her: a room that definitely wasn't hers. With a loud squeal of panic, she sat up immediately in the bed, only to find that her usual nightdress was mysteriously missing. Euphemia snatched at the blankets with utter embarrassment, pulling them about herself before allowing her eyes to dart around her room anxiously, trying to absorb as much about the situation as possible.

"Oh, my..." she began, just talking aloud. The room was spacious and quite lovely, a strange decor but not unheard of in a Britannian place of royalty. Still, this place definitely wasn't anywhere she had ever been before.

As she began to step out of her bed, still holding the blankets firmly around herself, her legs buckled slightly, sore especially around her upper thighs. She caught herself with the bedside table, gasping slightly at the fact that she felt so weak. What had happened the night before? The last she remembered, she was addressing the people of the newly established administrative zone of Japan, and then...nothing. Was it possible that she had been kidnapped at the ceremony?

She shook her head clear of clouding thoughts and tried to take a few steps forward. Walking became easier once she adjusted to the soreness, but the uneasiness that had burrowed itself into her mind persisted. She thought of Suzaku, and wondered what had happened to him in the event that this situation was some sort of elaborate kidnapping. The only one capable of staving off both her knight and the Britannian forces, Euphie realised, was her brother, Lelouch, and she frowned to think that he might have kidnapped her and left her such a...state.

Regardless, it was unlikely that staying put would help anything, and she wasn't one to wait around while others went on about their misdeeds. Her face resolved into determination as she glanced around her room once more, intent on finding the culprit behind this confusion and returning to the people who needed her.

Now only if she could find something to wear...

- amatomnes, !application

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