I'm so psyched, and I can't believe I didn't post about this back when I first found out:
My BFF, the Empress Doctor Kate, sent me unexpected news a couple of months ago about an old favorite recording of hers and mine, which has now been issued on CD even tho' the artist is about as obscure as you can get. Her name is Ruthann Friedman, and she only ever put out one album, Constant Companion (1968), which Kate found on vinyl (a dj's one-time promotional copy) at the St. Vincent de Paul thrift store in Wheeling back when we were in college ca. 1979-80 and bought solely for the wild 1960s cover art. Friedman's music is sort of airy and dreamy and a little jazzy in places, and we loved that record and played it to death. I made a cassette tape so I could have a copy too. (The tape is long since gone.) I even learned to play a couple of the songs -- "Danny" is still
Danny shines
silken sunlit lashes from his eyes
soft grey open windows when he cries
away the afternoon
Danny has
toys to fill each corner and inch of
time means nothing at all to his
small busy hands
Danny born
with a tick-tock song too fast and a bit out of
tune so they fixed him with a lasting
pair of funny shoes
Danny runs
up the hall with his arms spread out or reaching
up for me to spin him around
til he wants some more
Danny shines
silken sunlit laughter from his eyes
soft grey open windows when he cries
away the afternoon
I was so excited I immediately went to Amazon.com and bought it, and also the compilation of rarities/demos/etc. that was put together by the company that re-issued Constant Companion.
I got it today. Her voice sounds a lot like Beth Orton - seemingly fragile and slightly cracked. I can still sing along with almost every one of them, almost like muscle memory, only lyrics-memory instead, and I honestly got a little misty listening to them. Brought back so many memories. Pure hippie love and drugs and peace and mystical magical stuff... but musically not at all dated. I still love it.