(no subject)

Sep 17, 2011 00:34

Getting ready for surgery. They called to make sure that I was ready, to review that I had a latex sensitivity, and to remind me about the schedule for the day of. I will spend my happy anesthesia time reading - an alternation between King and slashyff, probably - which should be pleasant. I will be there 23.5 hrs, but that's for the insurance's sake. Sam will be staying a few days with mother. I will try to be relaxing those day.

I have updated my "if anything should happen" stuff, reviewed the files that are relevant and left them in a noticeable place, and am not stressing on it. I'm a fine candidate for surgery and nothing's gonna go wrong. Tomorrow I have to fill my scripts and get my refund from Kroger - they charged me too much on something and Imma get my money back. After that... I'm set. Hopefully it'll all be fine and ducky and I'll be home tuesday before noon. And I'll be able to eat real food again before christmas.
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