Some one contacted me on the
K-V-R message boards and asked what drew me to noise specifically as opposed to any other for of muse-sick. I figured what I told him pretty much sums up why I do what I do, at least muse-sick wise anyway. I wrote it a few nights ago, but saved it in MS World.
Thank you. I've actually been doing things like this since I was about 14, I started out on a Performa Mac computer using shareware software and over the past 8 years I've graduated up to sound forge, sonar and my own recording set-up.
I got into noise-based music because I am fascinated by sound. I like things that aren't supposed to be musical; door slams, windshield wipers, things breaking. I like to take sounds and adapt them, change their pitch and frequencies. I like to watch sound waves and I like the potential different sounds have to be something else.
I guess I gravitated towards noise because there is less structure and virtually no rules dictating what has to be. It also supports spoken word well because it is very easy to create a mood, a feeling, an atmosphere. I don't like structure and I am not really fond of verse-chorus-verse format. It leaves much to be desired in the ways of sound/idea evolution. It is hard to move piece forward when you are repeating what you have already done. (All though repetition can be useful skill for emphasis of important points, quite often repetition is over used, especially in the form of a hook.)
Despite the fact I create noise, I listen to very little noise music. I don't want other people's work to influence what I do. I want what I create to be as much an organic part of me as possible without outside influences (which I will admit, is a pretty pretentious thing to say.) Of course, one is always influenced by things even on an unconscious level.
Soundtrack work does sound interesting and might be a thing I consider pursuing that.
I do consider myself to be a "geek" but in a rather playful manner. How else could one who is obsessed with sound be described? ;)
Oh, and I think I have the flu or something just as wonderful. I feel like shit. I was trying to process some vocals earlier tonight and watching the sound waves started to make me nauseous. I don't think that has ever happened before. I must be really sick. It is probably a good thing I didn't go up to buffalo this weekend.