Helllllllo, weekend! ~hugs it~
On the agenda is a bit of dervishy house-cleaning, having the newlyweds over for the first time since the wedding, which will also be their first time to see our new apartment. With any luck, the new driver's license will arrive in the mail, and I will be able to visit the shiny new library for research materials.
And perhaps I will manage to finish my prologue. The hero is impatient for me to get ON with it, because he's bored with lurking in the trees ...
I've found that easing into o-fic has me clinging to some "comfort" music. For some reason - and this is honestly not my choice, but something that feels rather like a primal urge - Lifehouse is my "teddy" music right now. I am particularly enamoured of their latest album, Smoke and Mirrors, but I'm not *that* picky. I have made an mp-3 disc of every song of theirs I own - seventy or so - and it's now in the car stereo. ~pets it~
And on Friday, I will register for
Aeternitas and make my hotel reservations!
~flails with delight~