
Nov 06, 2005 23:57

SO! It seems I've been overtaken with a sudden desire to update livejournal. It's been close to a year since I've updated... so there's a lot to tell, but I don't really feel like spilling it all out right now. I'll only dribble a little. SO what's happened to me over the past year can be summerized in very few words. Basically it was me getting super jaded with the whole gay-fab lifestyle and totally reprioritizing in terms of friends and school. It was actually really funny because I was just reading my last LJ entry and I was reading the part about my group of friends (BTW-why did no one tell me I sounded like such a flamer in that entry? lol) and the funny thing is that we've kind of all fallen apart. There was a lot of drama surrounding a couple of my friends and other people (mainly in the romantic realm) and in response to the obnoxiousness of all that Rick and I kind of cocooned ourselves away from them. But now that we're both kind of tired of not having any friends here besides each other, we've found that trying to re-establish our relationships with all of them is really difficult - we all seem to have guarded ourselves against each other. Even though we're all still friendly, it just doesn't seem as close as before, and we can definitely see through everyone else's actions much more clearly.

Besides that, my summer kind of jaded me too. I spent the whole summer living with Kristin, even though we didn't really see much of each other because I was working so much. All I would do everyday was go to the gym and then go to work, and I guess I got like buff and tan, and random guys started wanting to hang with me and I ended up going out and getting myself into potentially dangerous drunken situations with people I didn't really know very well. Nothing bad or dangerous actually happened, but it could have which is what bothers me. It scares me that I could be so recklessly irresponsible. Either way, now that I'm back in school I feel much more grounded and all I can really think is "What was I thinking?" I just can't believe I fell so deeply into the fab life. It's so weird for me that now that I'm outside of it I can tell it soooo wasn't me, but while I was in it I thought it was. And it was totally unfulfilling. Hm. Yeah.

Anyway, now that I'm back in school I have my priorities back in line. I've officially gone pre-med (in addition to my psych major) which means my courseload is a little more heavy. And by heavy I mean bio, physics, calc II, and statistics. Boo... And to learn everything in time for the MCATs, I have to teach myself the chem curriculum this summer, place out of it, and then take organic chem next year. With the crappy four hour lab. Boo...

The good news is that next semester I'm off to merry old England. I'm gonna be staying at NYU's campus in London and taking the rest of bio and physics, as well as a nifty abnormal psychology elective and a fun course basically on sightseeing London. Hurrah! Cheerio, I've got to to go stand on the queue to have crumpets with the Queen at half-eleven. Cheers! Yes, that is what I will be saying. Huzzah! O. M. G. I can NOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!! AND I have a four day weekend, which means weekly trips to Ireland and France and spring break in GREECE!!!!!! My life is SOOOO good! Grood even. And stuff. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. I'm going to bed. Yes... sleep. I'll tty all soon I hope. Love!
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