For those of you not on Facebook or the SoD board, I've recently become mama to a pair of little rattie girls. Their names are Julie and Audrey. They're roughly a month old, agouti in color, and from a litter of twelve that was turned in to the shelter on Friday afternoon. I brought these two home on Saturday.
Audrey just out of the hand-cave of socialization. Surprisingly not interested in treats! I'm hoping she'll get a taste for them eventually, after she calms down. Look at that little face...
So. Cute. She chose my hair for her little safety nest after being 'released' from the hand-cave. Her sister preferred burrowing beneath my ear.
This is the Critter Nation 141 (single level), which is a sturdy sucker. Half-inch bar spacing and sixty pounds of "the cat's butt isn't knocking this over!" Finished cleaning and setup. All it needs is ratties!
A better view of some of the furnishings. You can actually see the cube in the corner this way.
Top-down view through the bars of the colorful little jungle gym!
Sweet little Julie, practically swimming in her extra-huge double decker hammock! This is the first time I saw her in any of the fabric items, since her sister was the one in the tube before. Yay! You can tell it's her because there's less white on the tail than her sister.