(no subject)

May 17, 2007 07:14

4 hours, not going to make it today, i need to stop disrespecting the neccesity of natural sleep

6:39 pm, day was not so bad. work sucked, kids were fine, director was a nagging jerk off. lunch and long walk with shim, very tired, drive home in a slight daze, fell asleep in car waiting for trains, got great news from kathy, congratulations are at hand, came home, chilled, cut grass forever, showered, washing clothes, cleaned car, gonna see some friends tonight.

give it up for productive days. what up!

gotta rise early tommorow... no work, could be worse.

11:38 pm, the following day (friday night.) my mind is blown. i would like to deeply discourage the mixing of 5 hour energy shots and red bull. i don't know what i was thinking. i still don't know what i am thinking. i did not sleep last night for fear of not getting today started early enough. not sleeping at night is never a good idea, especially if you're fully exherting yourself during the day.

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