Dec 11, 2004 14:51
I've decided to follow Friday's Feast nonsense bonanza and post my answers. What a cool idea. The inventor of Friday's Feast is a genius. Or really fecking bored.Appetizer
Make up a word and give us its definition.
Fraduckin'(frah-duck-in)Used instead of fucking, fooking, fecking, facking, or ficking. Fraduckin: it just sounds better.
What is currently your favorite song?
The Stills-Retour A Vega
What's at the top of your Christmas wish list this year?
Peace on man, goodwill to earth.
Main Course
Name a scent that reminds you of someone special in your life.
The smell of chai reminds me of Sammy.
Who is someone on television that you feel probably shouldn't be, and why?
Well everytime the prime minister makes an appearance, I duck.
Lyric of the day pt 2:"I think I'm drunk enough to drive you home."