Nov 20, 2004 10:14
I have a migraine and I can't split the taxicab fare in my head anymore
My math skills have so far degraded that I would likely be placed in 1st year
Give me the chance and I will go back to those simple carefree days
Before Daffon became a public and private nightmare
And mother dedicated ninety-nine point nine percent of her time with others
In a quest for her inner peace, a peace that she might find is stirring here
Father would work at the pub before coming home to give us funny pub stories
Here I am twent&four, soon to be twent&five yet I can't stand on my own
Indeed I envy my friends who have shared houses with others besides parentals
Ryan tells me to stop pouting, it is good to live with your family during uni
But he would stay around to protect his mother from strangers anyhow uni or no
Still, even though I agree with the scenario of it all
The cons are starting to strong outway the pros in this suburban myth
After all, there is a world outside of Ireland, outside of Dublin, this block
[We just tend to forget it because we have so many other things to ignore]
Lyric of the day:"You mean the least//but you take the most."