Yes, another one x_X Because I'm apparently no longer online when everyone else is.
+ When: Tomorrow night
+ Where: The Park
+ Who: TRC!Kamui & Aisha
+ Summary: Kamui and Aisha need to talk
+ Rating: PG-13
It was lovely, really: the round, glowing full moon that was oddly large in the sky. It'd been forever since he'd just looked at these sorts of things, appreciating the way it gave off a pretty, silverly glow that half-illuminated everything; he really wished Subaru was here to share the beauty with him. If only... he could trust his brother with the one he was meeting up with.
Normally, he would have been leaning against a tree right now, arms crossed and basically looking rather full of himself, but tonight... was entirely different. Instead, he found himself sitting on the ground at the base of a tree, knees raised, looking a little distant and subdued. Everything as of late was just so... confusing, and he didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to handle Subaru's newfound possessiveness; nor did he know how to handle his own emotions conflicting with each other. Not to mention it'd been a long time since he'd actually had anything but one specific goal and focus to concentrate on.
There was a part of him that knew talking to Aisha might just make things more confusing, especially since she seemed a bit put off by his relationship with his brother, but still... at least he could try talking to her. Anything was better than trying to get this out with Subaru at this point: he wasn't looking for conflict or arguments.