Mar 31, 2006 14:39
Did you miss me, kids? Did you lay awake, heart pounding, eyes brimming with tears, lo these seven days since last I posted? Did the vast emptiness of an LBB-free Internet fill you with overwhelming sorrow? Did you spill into the streets, wailing and gnashing your teeth, pleading for my return?
Fear not, for I am the Bastard; I would sooner allow my internal organs to be replaced by foul-tempered rodents than abandon you to the empty wastes of cyberspace.
I have nothing of value to say at this time. Instead, I offer you a game that I just pulled out of my bum unconsciously plagiarized thought up.
Let's tell a story. I'll start off with a few sentences, and then we'll pass it around. You can add a little or a lot, whatever is your whim.
Here we go:
It was the kind of rain that would've had Noah reaching for his swimmies. It poured out of the sky, slamming into the empty street with a simmering hiss that overwhelmed all other sound. Here and there, isolated umbrellas bustled through the liquid gloom from one awning to another. They sheltered half-drowned pedestrians, who stubbornly refused to acknowledge the water bouncing back up at them from the sidewalk. At the corner, a grungy city bus squealed to a stop, sending a wave of gray gutter-water washing onto the sidewalk.