Jan 03, 2007 16:36
The Delaware waterfront continues to burn late this evening, after a series of massive explosions rocked the refining and chemical facilities located on the Delaware bay.
Scores of the injured have been rescued from collapsed and burning buildings at the fringes of the cratered, blasted area. Yet, information about the cause of the devastation is hard to come by, and even harder to explain. The few eyewitnesses still able to speak describe a pitched battle between a group of black-clad, sword wielding individuals and a large creature of some sort.
Details are sketchy, but the creature is described as "green and scaly," with a tentacled face and clawed hands and feet. One particularly vehement witness insisted that the creature appeared first, rising out of the waters of Delaware Bay to attack a petrochemical plant.
Although strange, the consistency of the eyewitness reports is leading to speculation among local emergency personnel that the cause of the disaster was in fact a clash between "a sea-monster and a roving band of ninjas." One member of the state Hazardous Materials Taskforce, speaking under condition of anonymity, described it as "a perfect storm of fictional menace."
State and federal officials maintain that the cause of the explosions is more mundane, and attribute reports of supernatural creatures and martial arts enthusiasts to ingestion of burning chemicals at the scene.