negative diagnosis

Dec 14, 2005 16:03

I hate whatever it is that I have acquired (shingles? ew, this is something elderly people in Florida have, not fabulous party girls in San Francisco). Yech, makes me want to stay home from Sparkle's party.

Research paper: in the works, but slow. It's a drag writing on and on about one topic. Now I know why I'm a journalism major and not an english major.

Blow UP @ The Rickshaw Stop on Friday night and I hope to feel less nauseated by that time. I'm going for sure though, nothing can come between me and the Rickshaw Stop. Friday is sort of a crazy day anyway complete with two trips to SF and a special delivery in Pleasanton. Fuck. Why does mum's birthday have to fall on the same day as Leisure and the Suicide Club. I love a good night of britpop and I wouldn't mind checking out the blood wrestling debauchery. It's a big celebration at Suicide for those with December birthdays. I plan on really going for it this weekend because school will be officially over. Then one more year to go (tentative). I have no idea what courses I'm taking next semester except for publication which is supposed to take up a lot of my life according to my professors and fellow journalism majors.

This is turning into mindless babbly awfully quickly. Maybe that's all I'm good for--nonsensical chatter.

No, I really do have more than that to contribute.

"It's not you, it's me."

BTW: Immanuel Wallerstein is worth checking out, I've been reading his take on the FSM this afternoon and I like what he has to say.

AND I just got wind that Jeff's Frisco Disco is this Saturday night. When did everyone decide Dec 17th was the date to save?

Cross your fingers that I pass all my classes with a C to keep my time honoured spot on the dean's list (the good one, of course!)

Daaamn, my uppers have kicked in and I need to take my dry cleaning in before the place closes.
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