Aug 29, 2011 15:13
At 8.45 this morning a representative of my bank phoned me and asked me whether I had made certain transactions over the weekend (withdrawing cash). The bank had been alerted (this just proves that the country does indeed need lerts) by patterns of usage and had already cancelled my card very early on Monday morning.
Between us we figured out that 3 transactions had been made to the amount of just over R1900.00.
This is what happened. I withdrew my limit from the bank on Friday morning as I had to pay staff. Usually I do EFT's but today I didn't as one the bank accounts of one of my staff had changed and I did not yet have the correct info. Just so that things are clear, I withdrew the cash from MY bank at one of the my banks ATM's.
From Friday mid-day and onwards a number of cash withdrawals were attempted, all declined, as I had withdrawn my limit for the day.
On Saturday a few more unsuccessful transactions were made, obviously to check on my withdrawal limit. After they determined what my limit was, 3 withdrawals were made between Sat and Sun.
It's so bloody inconvenient, I had to get a new card, a new pin number and had to fill out multiple forms for the fraud department so I could get my money back. This could take up to 20 working days but at least there was enough evidence that it WAS fraud. When I was at the bank I also reported from which ATM I had made the withdrawal and they said that they would check it out. I hope no one else was caught on Friday.
I suppose things could have been worse. My credit card and my garage card are safe.