Ah Livejournal, I love you so, but find it so hard to sit down and write a post.
here is a view of Snowy Mt, from Indian Lake, in the Adirondacks. We went kayaking there on the Fourth of July. We got there early, left my house at 6 am and arrived at 7:30, avoiding a lot of the crowds. Our spirits were so refreshed! The lake is very long and narrow, with many 'arms'. As I wrote during the winter, I have been listening to a cd of bird songs while commuting to work. My favorite was the song of the hermit thrush, beautiful and haunting. As we were paddling down one of these arms of the lake, almost like a river, we came to a quiet spot where rocky cliffs were on either side, and the trees turned to spruce. Hermit thrushes were singing there, the sound echoing between the cliffs. We stopped paddling and just drifted with the magical sound. It gave me chills and tears to my eyes, it was so beautiful. I could also recognize the song of a vireo in the background, and another bird I couldn't remember.
We got out further down and hiked a little, fed the mosquitoes and flies, and had a little picnic. We stopped at the empty campground pictured and had a swim, soothing the bug bites a little. By noon the power boats were filling up the lake and we were ready to head back to the valley.
Here is the sound of the hermit thrush...
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