Belated Review for Supernatural 4.10 - Blegh.

Jan 01, 2009 18:05

In short, I didn't like it.

I've only watched it once, and wrote down notes. From them I made this post.

I'm not happy, overall, with the ep. I was polarized on everything - either really happy or really unhappy with scenes. There were little bits of it and information reveals that I loved, but overall, it earns a big NUH UH from me. Also, it's totally cool if you are happy with it. I don't mind disagreement or debating my views! OK? OK!

I love the idea that God sent Castiel here even though he's not the practical choice (to the human brain) - not entirely a hammer-of-God's-will. Castiel could make a decision that fells him. That decision could end up being necessary to stop the Apocalypse, even. Or, I could be completely off base and the whole Castiel thing could just be a red herring! Oh God, you're a twisted one! One point in the show's favor.

I started doubting either the actress playing Anna's acting ability or the writing in the show after scene one this week. After watching the whole show, I'm going to say I think I had problems with both. (Also, yes, that first sentence was very clunky.)

I was really hoping that Anna was a psy-kid. It would have been just too perfect (in my estimation) for her to have demon blood that gave her the ability to hear "angel radio".

"You're confusing reality with porn again."
There's another point in the show's favor. Snarky lines at only slightly inopportune times. Ahh, Sammy.

Regaining-God's-grace-by-drinking-it-down-like-a-5-hour-energy-shot pissed me off. I didn't just not like it, it actively pissed me off. I mean...the fuck? I read (and saw the movie adaptation of) Stardust by Neil Gaiman, and it was a great story. This is a totally different story. A totally different world. I cannot get my brain to wrap around something so fairytale at this point in the SPN storyline.

Also, I can't believe I'm saying this, but there was un-fucking-necessary sex. *AND* Dean took the necklace off during it. Not right. Not OK. I could understand a kiss between Dean and Anna at this point. Yes, we all want to see Dean do it in the impala. And I'm willing to bet that a good number of us also love the fact that Sam's doin' it with a Demon and Dean is doin' it with an Angel. But the sex was forced and weird. Even a great choice of music couldn't help that scene for me. It just made me wanna watch Heavy Metal again.

So, is Alisdair (tair? tare?) doing his best Marlon Brando or what? *snerk*

I didn't quite get what Alisdair (tair? tare?) was saying when he was choking Castiel, but it sounded good.

And finally, DEAR SWEET SUGAR I hate the last scene. I completely disagree with the way they brought this out. I love that it happened, and I'm glad we got the intel, but JUST NO.

4 months = 40 years. And Dean came outta hell remembering ALL THAT with a few nightmares and the occasional twitch? Riiiiiiiiiight. Sorry man, I don't buy it.

I don't buy that the boys talked so calmly about it all. The way to do this (again, in my estimation) is not with some closeup shots of our boys crying. It's violent emotion, possibly even ending in some violent actions, some fight-or-flight responses. Where's the adrenaline response from Dean, thinking about all of this? Talking about all of this? Where's the adrenaline response from Sam - hearing all this and knowing it was him that put Dean there? There is just so much to do and deal with and none of it was there.

Um yeah. Anyway, that's my review. I feel weird panning the ep like this, but there it is. I'm gonna watch the new eps, I'm still a big fan. I guess that this ep pointed out to me how differently I want the show to be than where the show is. Which is OK. That's what my own imagination and fic is for, isn't it? *smile*
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