I've watched it once. I'll probably watch it again. If just for the line delivery at the end... *dreamy eyes*
OK, so when I said "...the line delivery" you got that I meand "Castiel's line delivery" - right? Hummana.
Dean's raspy voice at the start = ++ good.
The music and visuals of Dean's hands at the start of the ep were great in general, even though I really didn't like this idea for the start to the season. Bless Kripke's zombie-movie-appreciatin' little heart.
Bird-titlecard is nice!
Issue #1: Nearly the whole EP seemed like it should have been EP 2 of the season to me. It felt like everything jumped back in too quickly. I really wanted a reunion and more tension/melting tension/resurging tension before what happened this week. For it to happen this quickly was awkward.
Issue #2: If Dean's last memory was of Sam about to be killed, how could be be so calm? Why was it not the first thing he asked Bobby about, while totally in a panic??
Those issues aside, the rest of the ep was pretty nifty.
The fact that Sam chose to go by Wedge Antilles was adorable. There's gotta be something to Sam choosing the sidekick alias.
"We can choose life." Oh Bobby, bless your heart!
Sam seemed kinda wrong for a while there - still too gawky-limbed and Bambi-like about himself and his abilities. Then we discovered he could MAKE PEOPLE VOMIT DEMONS. Holy crap that is cool.
I'm not happy with the new Ruby. I wasn't happy with the old Ruby, either. Thing is, I'm all for the character, I just don't dig the actresses that are playing her. I didn't think I could dislike this chick more than I disliked the last one, but hey! I do!
On the other hand, I really like Castiel. Perfect actor for the part. Great acting. The permanent concerned look in his eyes is just super, and the whole possessed-by-an-angel thing is just so *great*.
"This is a vessel". See, I have this idea about power being not necessarily good or evil until the one with the power chooses a side they want to be on, and Castiel is doing nothing to make me think differently.
Castiel thought Dean would be a different kind of special. I'm wondering if Sam and Dean are switched around in God and the Demons eyes. So, can Sam see Castiel's true visage?
I think the whole scene with Waitress-Flo-and-the-Demon-Diner was supposed to point out how bad ass Dean still is. I also think it was overdone, a total throwback to The Godfather, and a little unnecessary. Also - Flo was not a good actress.
And one last thought - I really, really want to see our boys sit down and actually talk to each other. i know it's not gonna happen, but that doesn't change the way I feel.