Nov 17, 2007 20:59
Okay, people. 50 members = much ♥ from me!
This is icons making time! Yay XD
Feel free to comment to this post if you want
2 icons from me.
I just ask you to give me 2 or more pictures to work with. Two pictures is a minimum, as I'll be making two icons, but if you want to suggest more so that I can choose, that'd be great, too! Good quality pictures is also very welcome ^^
The pictures can be stock, actors, manga, whatever you want. Just make sure to tell me at least the name of fandom, if it's a manga or movie or tv show, so I know what I'm iconing about ;) But extra info is always appreciated, of course.
I will take
20 requests. I only ask that you're a member of the community if you want to request icons. That's only fair, if you ask me ^^
Ask away! ♥
EDIT: 13 requests remaining. Anyone else interested?