Oct 27, 2005 21:02
Ok guys, we need to talk.
I turn 18 next week, and here's what I want:
Go and donate something. If you've seen my room lately, you know that I have way too much stuff, and although I'd appreciate the sentiment of gifts, I'm doing ok on books and office supplies for now (my general gifts of choice). My mom has been doing a lot of stuff for Katrina victims and what they need now is school supplies for the temporary schools, random household stuff for the displaced, tent items for the REALLY displaced, and they REALLY need any type of jacket, coat, or winter/fall clothing. Sweatshirts, old winter coats....that would be a really awesome present. You can give them to me and I'll pass them on to my mom......actually, coats and stuff you can give right to me. Anything else, check with me first so I can make sure they still need it.
If you don't have any old stuff you'd be willing to donate, you could always donate $10 or so to Oxfam or UNICEF or some similar NGO and/or cause.
Or you don't have to do anything. I appreciate the fact that we're all buried up to our armpits in stress and busy-ness, so there's no pressure and I understand if it's too much right now. Just thought I'd give you a chance to kill two birds with one stone. =)
Back to doing oodles of homework!