Insouciance - 09/24/2013

Oct 23, 2013 17:56

Where do they go when they no longer try?
The good dreams of theirs no longer apply
Pulsating, they’re fighting, but it’s a tired mistake
And the feelings, the worries, suddenly wake as
Apathy throws her arms high with great joy
her bellows of victory echo while sadness stands by.

They’ll give themselves over, say “it was defeat fair and square”
but their sighs will reign higher on the wings of a prayer
and yet rain splashes down with every mumble of abandon
for the Victory of Lethargy
is agonizingly clear.

It’s not a surrender;
it’s a concede, a collapse.
A never-ending yield down the road to relapse.
Salvation’s flirtation did nothing to fix them.
All the medicines, the hopes, the therapists, they failed.
Now all must submit to the act of cessation.

Which circle of hell is for those who no longer try?
Whose misery’s caked heavily on the beds where they lie?
We’ll visit them there, the mundane down below,
whose lives are so listless their faces plateau.
So listen but closely or you may never hear
the heartbeat of someone who’s no longer here.
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