Right, so I leave for San Francisco for a week and this happens:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/38281635#38281635 The link will lead you to an MSNBC clip where Snooki (of Jersey Shore fame) explains how the video from
this post inspired her to help the Gulf Wildlife (not sure how much longer it'll be up there).
My favorite part, aside from MSNBC re-editing the video entirely, was the section of the interview (2:47) where the interviewer asks Snooki if they have
"Guidos" in Miami.
Although, the text above them that reads, "The Place for Politics" is a nice touch too. Or the fact that there is an oil-soaked animal slideshow going on behind them while they discuss the finer points of filming a reality series in Florida.
However, I will give Snooki credit for bringing the interview back around by mentioning the National Wildlife Federation text donate number at the very end.