The City on Film/Thunderbirds are Now!/These Arms are Snakes/Minus the Bear @ The Bottom Lounge
So I haven't had this much fun at a show in a really really long time...The City on Film opened, full band style...Bob's backing band last night were actually my friends in The Felix Culpa, it was a little bizarre seeing people I actually know personally up there playing with Bob, but he sounded really great...It stuck mostly to the rockin stuff, like For Holly and the like...such a great set
Thunderbirds are Now! were next...Despite hearing some negative stuff about them, I found them to be fun...Seemed like nice guys too, I don't know
These Arms are Snakes were next, they tore the fucking roof off the place...the kids that were there for them weren't big in numbers, but they went apeshit when they hit the stage...due to the movement, I mostly left the camera in the bag
And finally, Minus The Bear...I'd seen them once in the past opening up for the Braid tour last year, and was seroiusly underwhelmed with their show...Not alot of stage presence, and they didn't really sound that outstanding, but last night was a complete 180...I don't know if it was due to the packed room (the place was sold out) and the intimacy of it or what, but they were fucking awesome...playing everything I wanted to hear...Fine Plus 2 pts, Absinthe Party, Dog Park, Hooray!, Memphis and 53rd, Spritz!!! Spritz!!!, etc etc etc...
so yeah, a great night indeed...i got a few pictures, and if anybody wants, I can upload my videos of For Holly and Absinthe Party at the Fly Honey Warehouse :)
By the way, most of these pictures are similar because 1. I had a big ogar next to me, and I could hardly shoot anything left of the main mic, and 2. I couldn't move an inch in any direction...oh well
should be up on my site soon though :)