im super glad that the week has passed. the last 5 days were a routine of waking up at 5ish(!) to get ready for work, meet Val at the void deck, dad drives us [every single morning without fail! yayness] to Raffles Place by 730am, sitting at the park waiting for Soo Kee Colour to open for business, collect flyers and attempt to distribute them, time crawls by. 930 comes, we head to Mos burger for my iced peach tea+extra ice and Val's iced milk tea for like 2ish hours/ to somewhere else for lunch before watching time pass at Mos. next thing we know, 12pm arrives, back to work, distribute more flyers and go crazy waiting for the clock on my phone to show "14:00" and then we're exhausted and done with work for the day! an impossibly boring job.
day number one wasnt so bad as we were only working the second 12 to 2pm shift. then again, i was standing there, alone, under the hot sun, in black from head to toe trying to offer my flyers to everyone and anyone walking by. not easy. (N) god knows why i was standing so straight and stiff the entire 2 hours but my lower back ached pretty bad after that. =/
day 2! we had to report at 730 at Soo Kee Colour to collect the flyers. [background info: there's a small Soo Kee JEWELLERY shop, a photo shop and a bigger Soo Kee JEWELLERY shop all in a row] so, we thought we were supposed to collect it from the smaller store as the bigger one only opens at 11am i think? we waited. and waited. and waited, happy that the store is not opening. 9.30am came and we happily told Recruit Express that the store isnt open so we didnt work the last 2 hours, then skipped to have breakfast/ lunch. but when we headed to the jewellery store at 12pm, we passed by the photo shop that had been open since 8am and realised that the photo shop is called Soo Kee COLOUR, aka the place we had to go to in the morning to get the flyers. major phaillllll. LOL.
day 3, 4 and 5, we were trying to entertain ourselves by dancing to kpop with the only music coming from our own mouths. haha. on the 4th day, this man came up to me, "what was that? dancing?" made me lol. and then we saw him again on the last day, "no dancing today?". made me lol again. embarrassing much. haha. but things like this makes work a littttttleeeeee bit less annoying. oh and i got a wink from a business man with blue eyes! haha.
but these little moments were washed over by how extremely annoyed i was while on the job. first, i think it is absolutely silly to waste resources [and harm mother nature!] by printing so many flyers for us to give to the same crowd for 5 days straight. havent advertising people realised that people dont like taking flyers?? they end up being trampled on the ground or in the waste bin. wheres the point in thattt.
so what if theres a lot of human traffic? prolly only a third, maybe even less, would bother taking our flyers at all. having taken them, why would they take it again the next few days? this means that erm, haarrddllyyy anyone took our flyers on the last day. -.-
also, it seems that assuming the role of a flyer distributer = becoming invisible. its okay if you dont want to take my flyer. give me a nod/ smile/ say no thanks/ whatever. just dont fucking pretend im not there. its bloody frustrating when i know they see me giving out flyers and then automatically looks beyond/ beside me/ straight ahead like im not in existence at all. arses with no manners. some are worse, they walk directly into my hand that's holding the flyer pass me like well, like im just an empty space for them to walk through in a crowd full of people. nice.
really, im neverrrrr everrrr going to take up any flyer job ever again even if its just 2 hours a day unless im paid like, 15 an hour or something. tsk! or or or, if im giving out freebies! there was a crowd around the newspaper man the other day over 8 days magazine cause they came with a goodie bag or something. singaporeans. sheesh.
on a side note, 5 days on the job and i've seen enough of the kinda make-up and clothes that office ladies have on. the make-upppp. what is up with the bright pink/ rosy red line across your cheek? or the gaudy shadow on your eye-lids? or the powder caking up the pores on your face? seriously. not attractive. not at all.
so, Val and i sort of made a pact that we'd never [hopefully!] end up existing in such a sad life, holding a standard 9to5 job in the office.
@#(*$&@!)% i didnt mean for this post to be so incoherent but bleah i dont really care. sorry for the word vomit. haha. at least im done with work. hallelujah