Title: Touch
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: PG-13
Content Notes: None
Disclaimer: I have no rights to or claims on the Naruto franchise, trademark, copyright, or characters. This is for fun, not profit.
Summary: In the future what's left of humanity sends the Rokudaime Hokage back in time to make some changes. Sadly, they can't send all of her. When a seven-
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Poor Tenzo. Is there a single appropriate response to a 12 year-old flirting with you? I like that it calls back to canon-Sakura's obsession with boys when she was 12. It helps show that even with a Hokage in her head, Kid Sakura survived, which is nice.
I am curious as to what she's been doing for the last (six?) years. Obviously not physical conditioning, so medical jutsu and seals…? *curious reader muses* But there must have been a reason for Tsunade and Jiraiya to have not trained her physically. Hmmmm.
I’m definitely, positively not going to cry over stupid Kakashi being disappointed in my skills as a shinobi. I did all of my crying over stupid Itachi and stupid Nagato and those stupid dreams. I’m not a crier any more.
Oh Itachi, what did the evil fic writer do to you this time? I can't wait to see! He angsts so pretty, like a butterfly of angstiness!
Sakura being physically unable to keep up with the boys disturbs me. I'm not sure why, but I think it's because I was expecting Super!Sakura, and she isn't quite there. It's an intriguing concept, and I do appreciate that she isn't light years ahead in every way, but something in me wants her to wipe the floor with her teammates. Probably the same part of me that wants Tuxedo Mask to get saved by Sailor Moon every episode instead of vise versa.
I feel bad for Kakashi right now. He's got all these secrets that are making him hate being their teacher, and he can't tell Sakura at all, so even though she's his most favorite, she thinks he hates her. It's sad. But it's going to get better, right? …right?
Of course, exactly the same thing could be said about Sakura…he doesn't know her secrets, so he just doesn't get what's going on, and he maybe thinks she's crazy.
Also, reading through again, it occurs to me that you did not specify who the conditional assignation contracts are on…and Naruto wasn't in that dream, Sakura was. Hmmmmm.
Poor Tenzo. Is there a single appropriate response to a 12 year-old flirting with you?
Probably not! ^_^ (Tenzo does an amazing job of being the Embodiment of Stiff Upper Lips. He does flustered and put-upon so well!)
I like that it calls back to canon-Sakura's obsession with boys when she was 12. It helps show that even with a Hokage in her head, Kid Sakura survived, which is nice.
SQUEE!! You are all over my 'subtle' character references, validating them and stuff! SQUEEE!!
You are also all over my sannin-style clues about what Sakura did during her apprenticeships. That is all I can say about that.
Itachi is *so* the Butterfly of Angst! No one angsts and suffers so prettily!
Sakura being physically unable to keep up with the boys disturbs me. I'm not sure why, but I think it's because I was expecting Super!Sakura, and she isn't quite there. It's an intriguing concept, and I do appreciate that she isn't light years ahead in every way, but something in me wants her to wipe the floor with her teammates.
Who says she can't wipe the floor with them? She just lacks their stamina and, in Naruto's case, obscene chakra reserves. So long as she gets them before they run away... Or if they're obliging enough to run toward her...
Probably the same part of me that wants Tuxedo Mask to get saved by Sailor Moon every episode instead of vise versa.
YES!! I *so* wanted her to swoop in at the last minute and competently save him after the first few episodes. 'Cause before that, I was all "Hmmm... She just needs practice... and to panic less..." After the first few episodes I realized that it was never gonna happen.
I feel bad for Kakashi right now... But it's going to get better, right? …right?
It's unfortunate for Kakashi and Sakura (and Itachi) that I like them so. 'Cause when it comes to writing, I'm all about hurting the ones you love. After all, what's a triumph without the struggles that when with it?
And no. No I did not specify who the conditional assassination contracts are on. (Even though Naruto wasn't in that dream, kyuubi was. I'm just sayin' to keep the waters muddy.)
Thanks for reading and commenting! ^_^
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