Possible new DW companion casting.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVED her on Skins. Cassie was the main reason I actually fell in love with Skins in the first place. And I would definitely be happy to see her in something again. But... I just don't want this to turn into Doctor Who - The Teen Years. I would have liked her for an older Doctor. But with him, I would have liked an older companion. Idk. We'll see.
realproof and I went to see Watchmen again last night ♥♥♥ I'm really hoping we'll get another week of OV, I wanna see it agaaaain. I am still obsesseing about Billy's Manhattan voice. (Also, Alcy: Whenever Billy was on screen, I kept thinking "That's a car i like to drive!" and had to try to NOT crack up for no apparent reason.)
We sat in the same row as last week, and the people in front of us had been there Thursday too and recognized us, so we talked about the movie a little. Really, the entire theater was 100% nerd. It was fun. ^^
So Castle started. It's basically the corny lovechild of Californication and Bones, but it's pretty cute and really, I'd watch Nathan in "Reading the Phone book 101".
Have I mentioned that I am seriously crushing on Matthew Goode when he's not blond? Cause I am. I blame it all on
ladyalcamy - Enabler Supreme and her cast interview spams.
In which Matthew calls Billy "Babes" and they are the cutest things ever.
Click to view
In which to following conversation takes place:
Billy: It's just like any other Billy Crudup vehicle.
Matthew: And boy, do I love a Billy Crudup vehicle. That's a car I like to drive!
Me: *dies laughing*
Click to view
In which Matthew is possibly drunk and absurdly charming while talking complete nonsense.
Click to view
And finally, even though I linked it before:
In which Matthew talks about Ozy's "boys" folder and everyone is completely hilarious. Your body resonates. That's how my body rolls.
Small link-spam.
I still really really want
Watchmen: The Art of the Film. I had a chance to flip through it in Paris and GUH. So gorgeous.
What if Woody Allen Had Directed Watchmen? Heh.
HUNDREDS of British school children believe Auschwitz is the name of a beer, religious festival or type of bread instead of the infamous Nazi death camp. -___________-
Aaaand picspams gallore:
GORGEOUS Slumdog Millionaire Spam.
5 reasons the Lost season 4&5 cast > everyone else, ever.
Five Reasons Why Juliet Burke Is The Better Option.
Reasons why you should love BSG boys in general (and Team Tahcco especially) 9 reasons to watch zombie films Thanks to
icequeen3101 and I are going to a MIA. (not to be confused with M.I.A.) concert tonight, so I'm looking forward to that. Now I have to go shower. I feel like I forgot a million things. Anyways.
Later lovelies. ♥