The Lost World is on TV! The one from 1960! I haven't seen this movie for like 15 years and I can still speak along to most of it. I had it on tape back then and watched it all the time, and seeing it again makes me flaily.
< /dino-nerd>
First of all: a very happy belated birthday to the awesome
So yesterday was my lj birthday-party. ♥♥♥
sabrina2611 and
wepretend came to my place and we spent the night (literally the entire night) playing buzz and taboo and laughing. It was awesome. Bürgermeister.
And now to the funnest part of this post: making you jealous with all my fantabulous presents. :D
I got (in a gift bag with a Ewan perfume ad!): A
Spongebob-with-Geek-Glasses glass, 3 Spongebob buttons , a Joker button, a Spongebob Advent calendar, and Oreos. The Hardcover of
The Gunslinger Born and
Fables: The Art of James Jean (gdhsfgsdhdgsfk it is so PRETTY i don't even know. I could spend HOURS looking at it. Actually, I think I did spend hours looking at it today. <3<3<3<3). Free postcards, including a set of Quantum of Solace ones and a Hellboy one. And last but definitely not least, the Zombie themed presents: 3 volumes of
The Walking Dead,
The Zombie Survival Guide, Death Mints (breath mints in a little coffin) and ZOMBIE FINGER PUPPETS! They glow in the dark and are the cutest things EVER and one of them is even holding a little brain :D
Seriously, again: Thank you guys SO MUCH for being AWESOME and getting me presents almost as awesome as you! *squishes so so much*
Right, I'll go stare at my pretty new things now and then try to sleep. ^^ Later lovelies. *squishes everyone again*