Jun 25, 2010 16:20
Counting down to the DW finale....
Trying to acquire every spoiler in the universe for the show. I've soaked up every possible spoiler all season, and yet each episode still manages to surprise.
In a good way.
Aside from the main plot adventures and complexities, which I can't wait to see resolved (why is Amy Pond's life "impossible"? future!Doctor? the staircase to nowhere?), I'm eager to see if the character developments that are rumored will happen....
A conversation between River and the Doctor about their relationship? Can't wait! Does the episode end with a wedding? And "going home"?
But one spoiler that makes me smile is the BBC tagline--" a love that lasts a thousand years"--and the rumor that Rory guards Amy for centuries....Yep--the first thing that crossed my sarcastic mind: Oooo--does this mean that Rory is a creepy obsessed stalker type, just like Snape? ;)
It struck me anew because I've just recently seen yet another loopy post Elsewhere characterizing Snape's love for Lily as his "obsession."
Here's another version of the concept of a true love that cannot give up or forget; apparently, like JKR, the BBC and Moffat think it's pretty romantic--and not to be confused with the psychopathy of obsession. I wonder if, though, DW fandom will have a contingent of nutters who think Rory's being creepy, like the whackos in HP who have never and never will get the point.
harry potter,
doctor who,
amy pond,
rory williams,
severus snape,
lily potter