Advent ...

Nov 28, 2011 16:36

Well. Long time no write! Hello everyone ...

Yesterday marked the start of Advent, the Christian church season that prepares for Christmas. Some of my fave music @ work; some of the most fun things to do all year (CHOKLIT INNA CALENDAR; WOO); and ... well. I love the cold and snow, so moving closer and closer to the solstice always makes me happy.

It's interesting. About this time last year, I was massively bitten by the last Labyrinth plot bunny of my own to possess me completely. It was "Advent," (appropriate title iz appropriate!) Lemme link to it again - ah, shameless self-plugging. (and goodness, that sounds dirty.)


Here is the piece of music that put me in the mood for that fic. An angular modernist setting of a medieval text: 'Jerusalem rejos for joy' - but I suppose that the title is technically "Illuminare, Jerusalem."

image Click to view

:) Other creative endeavors in my life. I've been beta-ing Knifeedge's (awesome awesome awesome Spuffy fic) "Dust." Here 'tis:


Shed some love & reviewage upon her!

I did not write for the Granger/Snape fic exchange, this year - did some art instead. Unlike last year, when I did a cracked-out "Pride and Prejudice" 'lost in a book' fill! Here 'tis. I'm still rather chuffed about it.

"The Apothecary's Assistant; or: Witch Austen's Revenge"

That last is on Archive of Our Own. I've been gradually posting my fics there, only because I enjoy their ad-free space, and their premise. [ETA: two types of premises, I suppose. ba-dum-THUD!] What's gotten me a bit down, recently, has been the failure of the "import word document" feature to work, connected to the Rich Text Editor. I sit and sigh, staring at the screen while trying to upload ... and then I try and cobble together the correct html from's editor feature. Only, of course, because coding all of my faaaaavorite italics by hand = a hair-raising trek to the top of Mt. DO NOT WANT.

And because, erm.


I may have been cheating on my OTP J/S ... with a slash pairing? Hope that's cool. I suppose one may have four OTPs, yes? het, slash, femmeslash, and 'defies-categorization'.

Thing is, this is a kind of mammoth darkfic "X-Men First Class" AU. Nuclear war and captivity and dubcon - oh my! Be warned for those if you click through - and if you have any passing interest in it, I'd be curious to know what you think.

"Nine Eleven Ten"

Cause yeah, I'm in for the long haul, I guess.

Oh. And: ... itmayalsobe200Kwordssofar.



ETA: Hi to XMFC peeps! Welcome to my (alternately taciturn and blah-blah-BLAH-ful) LJ!

fanfiction, harry potter, xmfc, labyrinth

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