(no subject)

Jan 18, 2010 10:58

Update: a round of fervent thanks to A Certain LJ User (may I name you?) for the paid account! w00t! Fun online shenanigans await!

Also, Friday was Fanday, but I totes forgot. So here's a (belated) pressie!

Recently, there took place a discussion on dmacabre 's lj, about what constitutes canon in the Laby-verse. It's an interesting ongoing back-and-forth, so take a look!

From it: my comment!fic:

A Barrel full of ... um.

Sarah looked over at the Goblin Castle. Distant windows glittered and sparkled, and the night sky above the highest battlement glowed with a strange, pearly light. The occasional breeze wafted spicy smells to her nose and lilting music to her ears.

She sighed, and looked down at her companion. "How long is this thing going to last?"

"Ah well, couldn't say." The worm shrugged. "The missus says 'd takes a bit o' cleanin' up, afters."

"Yeah, but he doesn't have to clean." Sarah swung her legs idly. “I bet Karen would throw a fit if she knew how many of my chores the goblins do - but it’s like I said: they just need rules and boundaries, and -"

She stopped, puzzled, as the breeze picked up, carrying the sounds of an argument.

“And I’m tellin’ you, I ain’t gonna go fairy-chasin’ no more - not with ‘em using they bows and arrows, now!”

“But ‘tis thy duty, worthy friend, and what his Majesty commands -”

The voices grew louder, until they rounded a corner - and Sarah smiled, as she saw Hoggle, Sir Didymus, and Ludo walking towards her, arguing. At least, Hoggle and Sir Didymus were arguing. Ludo was shuffling behind, carrying an oaken barrel.

“Hi guys!” she shouted, from her perch on the wall.

Dwarf and fox jumped - but Ludo beamed. “SAWAH BACK.”

“Yep!” She scratched his head. “I missed you! So tell me - how long does this party last?”

“’Tis the celebration of Lupercalia, my lady: a feast most potent, forsooth, and replete with -”

“P’raps a cuppa?” the worm interrupted.

“No, thanks." Sarah smiled down at him, then looked back at the Castle. "Lupercalia. Huh. Wish I had wikipedia down here - hey, wait!” Hoggle had grunted, and made to walk on, but at her words, he stopped.

“Are you going to the Castle right now?”

“‘Course I am; and all the way up THERE!” Hoggle stabbed a finger at the highest battlement. “It’s the third delivery tonight, and after, I’m gonna walk out, I am! Or send ‘em Bog mud!”

But Sarah looked up at the battlement, then back to her friends, eagerly. “Is Jareth on that tower? Oh!” She clasped her hands together. “You guys can smuggle me up! I just want to see him again, because even though I defeated him, I wanted to ask him if I could take him to my prom.” She pointed. “Let me just hide in that barrel!”

A deafening silence fell. Hoggle and Sir Didymus exchanged glances, but both cringed as Ludo rumbled: “SAWAH CAN’T.”

“Oh yeah?” She raised her eyebrows. “Why not?”

The rock caller bent and dipped a horn in the barrel. It came out blue. Neon blue, Sarah noticed, and … sparkly?

And were those … fairy wings?

“Oh my god, Hoggle, you’re mushing the fairies into goo?” She groaned. “I know you don’t like them, but - why?”

“Never mind,” Hoggle said, gruffly, as Sir Didymus coughed.

Sarah smelled a rat - then frowned, correcting herself. She smelled something overpoweringly floral. “C’mon - what’s it for?”

Ludo’s horn was starting to glow in the dark. Sarah’s curiosity knew no bounds.

Suddenly, everyone gasped, as at least a dozen fangirls popped their heads over the opposite wall.

“Um, Sarah?” one said. “It rhymes with n00b.”

friday is fanday, fanfiction, hee!

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