I broke my leg yesterday morning=[ it hurt but i didnt cry. I just swore a lot, Dan was like "Get up!" and i was like "STFU I CANT" and so we drove and waited and got a soft cast. Im getting a hard one later today. Whoaho then people can sign it=] I was GONNA go to school but i couldnt get my pants on.. its frustrating.. I only have a soft one so I had to be super careful, but alkjsdfh. I just went back to sleep. Atleast Im not as bad as Cody. He has TWO broken legs the dumbass.
blackdiedpurple: why arent you at school
xxxowmyshin: i slept in.what about you??
blackdiedpurple: im a gimp remember?
xxxowmyshin: so that means you cant go to school?
blackdiedpurple: no..i can..i just couldnt get my pants on.
xxxowmyshin: what do you mean??lmao.you have a cast?
xxxowmyshin: lay off the pain killers gimpy.