skills that make you a functioning adult that I don't have

Mar 07, 2010 17:47

So I've decided that I seriously need to get better at remembering shit I read. I think every conversation I have at some point incurs a sentence along the lines of, "Did you know that.... uh, well, I can't remember the numbers, but they say....[blah blah schoolchildren believe in domestic violence, blah blah grizzly bear mortality along back roads in BC, blah blah female earning power as a function of geographic mobility]." And I mostly sound like an idiot.

My old job involves reading about 20 books about snakes, the Aztecs, motocross, World War II, et cetera per day, and my new job involves reading every major Canadian newspaper three mornings a week. And yet I manage to grub conversation from neither. Conversation starters, maybe, but actual facts? Casual intelligence? Grace and skill? Not so much.

Although I do know that the new federal budget includes zero tax credits for capital-intensive wind farm projects and five hundred million for carbon capture subsidies for oil & gas. Fucking Harper.

ANYWAY. One day I'll be good at making conversation. I just need to learn some mnemumnemonic techniques. Until then I'll continue to stand in line at the coffee shop beside hot hipsters and have nothing to say to them. Oh, wait. That will happen regardless.

delighter and I took Lady Olive for a walk for two hours today. Things the dog tried to eat: a used kleenex, an apple core with about six cigarette butt smooshed on it from the gutter, some remnants of a pastry left exploded on the sidewalk in front of a starbucks, anything that was beside a garbage can. Then she pooped in the middle of 2nd street & 6th ave. High five.


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