Lordy, today has been a shitshow. Somehow I just managed to drop poor
estei off at the airport despite a), having locked my keys in my car with my dog in front of her goddamn house ten minutes before we had to leave and b), the minor seizure I suffered this afternoon upon realizing that the trainer for our new database software at work had a "Fanfiction Downloader" icon on his desktop and a word doc full of
this atrocious 202 000w piece of Harry/Gabrielle (?!) shit open for reading WHILE HIS LAPTOP WAS CONNECTED TO THE PROJECTOR. Caged tiger metaphors anyone? Jesus. I initially thought it was Xena fic, until I brought my advanced search skills to bear. :/
Seriously, five straight days of
sparky40sw training me on acquisition reports and getting roundly mocked by my colleagues has practically given me a rage stroke. And now on top of that he's a 50 year old lurker who reads terrible het in massive quantities? Why is my nose bleeding?
Even more upsetting, I am now
estei-less and
delighter-less and I may as well just give up on breathing or thinking until they come back from their respective slack-ass vacations to take care of my tortured idiot heart.
Other things I will do until they get back:
a) clean dog hair off my couch on a twice-daily basis,
b) not go to the gym,
c) pout because my boots are for snow, not snowmelt, and when we get these -6 degree heat waves my feet get colder and wetter than they were during the deepfreeze, goddammit.
FML, is what I'm saying here. I can't handle all this tragedy.