what! look at this business!

Feb 28, 2009 14:44

So, I am kind of awash in fic today! Holy shit, I go a month without even brushing my eyes against the word cock and suddenly I've spent the entire day poring over all of my favourite fandoms. All of my favourite writers are posting! Whoever claimed that posting stories on weekends is asking for low-volume feedback because people are supposedly 'out' and 'doing things' didn't know me and my extremely housebound ways. So, recs for you so that you can all share in my homebody multi-fandom love.

Bandom: Smiting the Day by delighter: Panic at the Disco AU by way of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Think Brendon Urie, wide-eyed and pliable and insecure, and Spencer Smith, elegant and ancient and full of an icy, alien love for his human pet. Ryan Ross = sexy and blood-covered. And Jon, still in sandals. Sexy, sexy sandals. Margaritas, private planes, video games, and vampiric vigilantism all make appearances. Fuck, I am so excited that Brooke finally posted this story, I cannot get enough of it. Join me in shamelessly demanding more for her bandombigbang.

Iron Man: In the Public Eye by revelininsanity. Dudes, more Iron Man fic featuring Shia LaBeouf as Pepper Potts. This is the universe that I am so glad other people write in, because I cannot write it all on my own. And this girl has been promising me Tony/Pepper adopting-refugee-orphan fic for months now, so I am all over her getting on this boat. Galas! Cufflinks! Public-washroom-makeouts! People magazine totally outing them as gayforeachother!

Supernatural: Coyote Run by vinylroad. Kat does female pov like no one else, and in a fandom where women redefine the term 'marginalized,' no less. No matter how far I get from SPN fandom, I will always read Kat's stories, because they are exactly what the show should have been. I mean, if it wasn't staffed by knobs and misogynists. This story in particular is epic and creepy and visceral. It makes me long for a hot, rainless summer.

Pineapple Express: Don't Cha by japanpeterpan. I don't know how to rec this story because it is frighteningly hilarious and also frighteningly hot. Like, I'm uncomfortable telling you how hot this story is, mostly because it starts with Saul Silver in a pleated schoolgirl skirt singing dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me.

Now I just need to find a way to bribe valiant into writing me some Sookie/Jo and this day will literally be so complete that I could go to bed at 4pm, astoundingly satisfied.

recs, bandom, ironmanhood, spn, pineapple express

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