the first tenet of advocacy is don't sound like a whiny cry-baby

Jan 08, 2009 16:56

So, I told myself I'd head out to the grocery store at 3:00 for ginger and cashews, and it's now 5:34, and the fucking weather: OMG THE WEATHER. It's not like it's apocalyptically bad out there, but it's been this side of gray-skies for days, my friends, and in my north-facing hovel, that ain't pleasant. My plants are withering like the loins of a scorned lover.

ANYWAY. I basically guilted maidensuit into tagging me for this because I am desperate and needy like that, SO HERE GOES!

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.

B) Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

I AM RESISTING THE URGE TO NOT TAG. burnthemap clayeer dark_reaction delighter emilytheodd gretazreta kickthebeat japanpeterpan and vinylroad I want you all to share in this ignominy.

Make a list of things you can see without getting up:
MY ENTIRE APARTMENT. Ottoman, chair, couch, new chair, tv, antique CD collection, XBOX, my entire bookcase, my bags, the dresser, all four of my plants, the new microwave. My apartment is VERY LITTLE.

How do you style your hair?
I am growing it out for the first time since I cut it in 2002 and it eats a lot of balls if I don't straighten it, wear it to the side, or put a headband over it like a little trendy guerilla. That said, I don't bother to do any of these things, so my hair is standardly in a state of ball-eating.

What are you wearing now?
Brown socks, white silk longjohns because it's freaking cold and I was SUPPOSED to go outside, jeans, underwears, a black The Organ t-shirt with holes in the sides, a stripey inside-out sweater, with holes in the sides. Basically the strain of my bosom puts holes in the sides of things.

Do you have some sort of secret superpower?
Fish at aquariums are really, really into me. Trufax.

What's the last thing you read/are currently reading?
The Yiddish Policeman's Union. Michael Chabon. In the bathtub last night for three hours, and another six on the plane in December. I wasn't into it until a) he introduced a female character and b) the plot was revealed to be hinged around a gay hasidic messiah heroin addict chess prodigy. Probably Chabon should stick to short stories, which I like. This not so much.

Do you nap a lot?
Only when I'm unemployed, taking less than a full courseload and not writing anything. Although I've resisted so far this week.

Who was the last person you hugged?
Um. Possibly a random acquaintance we saw at the airport a few nights ago...around her baby. Awkward.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
The Venture Bros, obvs. I count myself lucky to just have something, at this point.

What was the last thing you ate today?
True story: I cut off two hunks of french bread and put monterey jack on them and melted that shit in our brand new first-ever microwave (I've lived without one for like, two years now).

What was the last thing you said aloud?
This is embarrassing, but I can't fix things on my own. Roughly: "Hey, it's me, it's 10 o'clock and the internet isn't working, like I had to climb back there and reset the power bar and now it's working for my computer, because I have a superior operating system, but yours is not working and I need to check my school and yeah. Call me and tell me how to make it work." I AM A BIG DUMB WOMAN, I KNOW.

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, iGoogle, google reader. Lj not so much anymore: if I want to comment I need to only check it not so often, you know? Time management!

Last thing you bought:
That's somewhere in line with: last time I left the house. Um, a loaf of french bread (earlier referenced in that I ate some with cheese), $2.75 from Rustic Sourdough Bakery a block over. Before that, I made two non-purchases in that I got a roll of loonies from mah bank, and made Canada Post send my student loans to the government.

What are you listening to right now?
Nothing. Seriously. Although yesterday OChan came home early and caught me listening to Sarah Slean and it was mortifying.

What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
Um. Jenny Lewis: I am aglow with thoughts of you, blah blah. Blah. I don't know why I listen to her, it inevitably ends in tragedies like me having alt-country ballads in my head when I fall asleep.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
FLYING. FLYING WITH MY OWN BATWINGS. I wish I was kidding, but I was writing mary-sue wingfic when I was in middle school, no word of a lie.

What is your favorite weather, and why?
I like really unreasonably hot weather, as long as I have nothing to do. Even if I do, I mostly ignore it if the weather's nice. I like suntanning and reading and falling asleep in my own drool, and I like how my skin doesn't really burn, except to just turn into a tan again a day later. Basically, I should not live in Canada, and definitely never the mountains. :/

How are you?
Guilty for not going out and getting dinner fixins. Looks like the asparagus will have to wait another day, while I eat more quinoa and my bowels rejoice.

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
"Yes, I would love to accept your offer of a full-time job as a reference librarian at a not-for-profit environmental and/or arts library with full benefits and a biweekly RRSP contribution!"

Say something to the person who tagged you.
Why are you the most adorable person I know? Seriously, you are enchanting and if I could talk about my life the way you talk about yours I would post a thousand times more often.

That is aaaaaaaaaalllllll.

month of the shut-in, memememe

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