I'm having one of those days where I go to the grocery store just to get some social interaction. Like, I don't care if I run into a cute guy who wants to give me his air miles, or one of the awkward-as-fuck kids from first year who may or may not be rolling his eyes at me, or if I just have a quick thanks-bye conversation with the checkout girl.
I just need to look at someone's face, you know? I need someone to look at mine.
So, I also downloaded all the Placebo albums that I keep in my "shameful music no one is allowed to know I listen to" box at home, the ones that I haven't listened to since 2003 and I was a lonely first year liberal arts student who did romantical HP RPGs on yahoogroups and was personally mortified by the term "sloppy handjobs." So I've been listening to basically their entire discography, and mourning Brian Molko's self-righteous pretty face and bitter, vengeful vocals all day. Way to be 36 and still sound like a narcissistic self-destructive 17 year old, kid. It's too bad that you were at your height way before the boy-bands-faking-gay thing got big.
Of course, the only reason I even came here to post to begin with is because I finally got around to watching
Control last night, after a year of yearning for it. Joy Division puts Placebo to shame in all the ways that count. Just looking at that kid's face makes me want to cry, even though I know he's not the real Ian Curtis.
In conclusion, I ate cheese sticks for dinner.