what's the Library of Congress classification for gay porn?

Jul 09, 2020 09:47

Updated for your reading pleasure: May 30, 2012

*** = new


Five Things That Rome Has Done | 2831, Esca/Marcus | February 21, 2011

***My kindly and most gracious master | 5452, Placidus/Esca hatesex kinkmeme fill | September 3, 2011

Step Up Ballerina Something Something AU, parts 1-13 | UNFINISHED kink meme fill, Esca/Marcus | Feb/Mar 2011

BANDOM (Panic)

Faster than you go when you're alone | 23,983, Jon/Spencer | February 15, 2010

***All of the principals, generals, admirals | 3940, OK Go f. Spencer Smith & Ira Glass | November 5, 2011

You're the ghost on every corner | 7111, Ryan/Brendon, post-split | July 12, 2010

All fires have to burn alive | 15,247, Ryan/Brendon post-split apocafic | January 9, 2011

library AU
High quality material | 1700, Brendon/Jon | Feb 2, 2009
This aging public institution | 2281, Ryan/Spencer | May 1, 2009

big bang gaymo vegan indie rocker AU (Panic)
You Will Not Rattle Us Apart, Ryan Ross | 27,198, Brendon/Ryan | June 20, 2009
VOL. I // VOL. II // VOL. III // VOL. IV // VOL. V // VOL. VI

Sunlight melts the snow away | 2473, post-split gen | Dec 19, 2009

The harp's prayer to the hawkshead god | 6193, Brendon/Spencer, slave AU | Dec 25, 2009

PITCHFORKSLASH i.e. bandslash for indie rock darlings

Zach Condon/Owen Pallett
Trumpet, Waltz & Strings | 1423 | Oct 22, 2007
Spearmint, Buttercream and New York Bagels | 3 ficlets: 1723 | Nov 5, 2007
Impresario | 1189 | Nov 6, 2007
Not the Hotel Arts | 1315 | Nov 9, 2007
Boyfriend, Boyfriend! | 1177 | Feb 12, 2008

Zach Condon/Shia LaBeouf
The Fatherless | in 15 parts: 21,378 | Aug 1-23, 2008
set I - set II - set III - set IV - set V


What you eat | 21,000, McCoy/Chekov, McCoy/Kirk, Restaurant AU | Oct 25th, 2009
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV

Penal as in Penalty | 5997, Janice Rand/Helen Noel (TOS characters in XI format) | August 20, 2009


Helpmate, I-V | Tony Stark/Pepper Potts as played by Shia LaBeouf | 15 869 | May 14-29, 2008
Weathervane | Tony Stark/Pepper!Shia | 11 377 | June 14, 2008


Standalones, gen to wincest
Lockbox | prison fic | 3844 | May 4, 2007
Your New Failed Necromancy | necrofic, I wish I was kidding | 379 | May 16, 2007
Sacrum Vitium | evil!Sam | 3228 | May 19, 2007
Market Value in the Free Economy | Catch Me if You Can AU for reel_spn | 4118 | Aug 18, 2007
The Knifethrower | carnival AU | 1391 | Sep 3, 2007
The Safehouse | apocafic |1331 | Sep 3, 2007
Jaws of Life | angst | 4112 | June 11, 2007
Avalanche | schmoop | 3372 | June 11, 2007

Vocation Verse : priest-fic, gen to wincest
Vocation | 7292 | May 13, 2007
The Sign of False-Tongued Prophets | 5793 | Aug 6, 2007
Our Lady of Lies and Wide Rivers | 8696 | June 5, 2007
Mercy and Forbearance | 7080 | June 25, 2007

The Martingale : western AU, het & wincest
Twelve Strong Horses | Jo, Dean, Sam |3383 |Aug 20, 2007
What a Pretty Foal | Jo, Dean | 1307 | Nov 16, 2007
The Longe Whip | Jo, Dean, Sam |4309 | Nov 25, 2007
The Horsethief Fortune | Jo, Dean, Sam | 5285 | Dec 2, 2008

The Cure for a Bolt Action Heart | Firefly | 3721 | May 27, 2007
Shreds and Tatters | His Dark Materials | 1869 | Sep 3, 2007
The Red Gravy Ghost | Poppy Z Brite's Liquor | 9153 | Feb 17, 2008

This dark shroud hides a face beneath it | Hookerfic, Dean/OMCs | Remix of poisontaster's Halo (In Reverse) | 5097 | Sep 7, 2008

God's will be Done | Gaius/Six | 1076 | Jan 26, 2006
Downfall | Starbuck, Cain | 550 | Jan 28, 2006
We Don't Heal | Tigh, Tyrol | 2175 | Jan 28, 2006
Black in the Eyes | Helo, Tyrol | 860 | Sep 29, 2005

BSG/SGA crossover: Felix Gaeta/John Sheppard
The Drowning Bell | 2609 | Nov 27, 2006
Sounds Mute and Silenced | 6496 | May 6, 2007


The Professionals
*** Used to be a poor girl | 3527, Tiffany Prentice/Marie McAllister | May 30, 2012

Parks and Recreation
*** Pretty sure things, or, five things Jean-Ralphio did for Tom's birthday | 2278, Jean-Ralphio/Tom | Yuletide: Dec 23, 2011

The Venture Bros.
Prohibition | Hank/his hand | 1790 | Sep 4, 2008
The Zombified Corpse of Christmas Present | Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, 21, The Monarch | 1833 | Yuletide: Dec 20, 2008

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
When we were strangers to the sea | Zee James, Jesse James, Robert Ford | 1086 | Yuletide: Dec 21, 2009

Mad Men
How cold was it that morning in Vermont? | Sal Romano/Ken Cosgrove | 594 | Sep 27, 2008
Four dollars on today | Office mashup: Pam, Harry Crane | 799 | Sep 27, 2008

30 Rock
Abstinence | Jamie the Coffee Boy/Frank | 1698 | Sep 4, 2008

Knocked Up
It Rhymes With Shmagina | Ben/Pete | 1255 | June 2, 2007

Pineapple Express
Deprivation | Dale/Saul | 1391 | Sep 4, 2008

A Song of Ice and Fire: George RR Martin
Hand of the Crow | Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister | 7002 | Yuletide: Dec 20, 2006
How the catch slips himself back to the waves | Theon Greyjoy/Robb Stark | 2117 | Dec 20, 2007

Nightrunner Series: Lynn Flewelling
Three Nights Under a Reckless Waxing Moon | Alec/Seregil | 2134 | Yuletide: Dec 20, 2007


  • Venture Bros: Master Billy/Pete White nursing domestic in their trailer home
  • Supernatural/Step Up: winchester ballerinas, for reelz (5k and counting)
  • Panic/Predators crackfic


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