Summer Closing

Aug 18, 2011 11:54

This morning's breakfast: Sweet baguette from Nob Hill, topped with butter and from-our-backyard chives, and bacon. I ate this with a bowl of cereal, mixed with berry yogurt.

- Teaching a Fiction Workshop in the fall, in addition to first year English.

- Lazily, lethargically working on Figment stuff.

- Saw X-Men: First Class (Magneto is hot as hell) and Deathly Hallows (skipped/cut a lot of the scenes I found really memorable from the book, lingered overlong in weird places).

- Went on an Aimee Bender kick. I like her substance, not so much her style, though it worked in a few stories ("End of the Line" being one of them).

- Tried, and failed, to read a bunch of Catherynne M. Valente. Have concluded that this is another author I will never be able to get into (another one being L. J. Smith). Again, I like her substance, love it in fact, not a fan of her style.

- Read Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins. HUGE FAN. Huge. She writes the best contemporary YA. Highlights: fashion, San Francisco, boy next door love.

- Read Plain Kate by Erin Bow. She joins Laini Taylor as my favorite fairytale/fantasy/folklore writers. Effing amazing.

- Got my driver's license AT LAST! I don't drive anyplace interesting though. Mostly to the library.

- Still writing book reviews! I love it. Even though it's pretty casual and colloquial, I still find it pretty tough. I think/hope I'm getting better at it.

- Going back to school next week :(

food, life, pictures

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