a sum of your parts just hanging in the air

Sep 30, 2007 13:01

Spoilers ABOUND.

After seeing the first 2 episodes, I'd say Prison Break is doing pretty well so far.

- James Whistler - HOT. Dude. WHO WOULD HAVE guessed under all that dirt and with him suddenly losing the hoarse, gravelly voice, that he'd be so hot. I thought he was an old man before and was all, why the hell is his girlfriend with him.

- Wentworth Miller is driving me out of my MIND with his hoarse whisper. GET SOME VOLUME. ENUNCIATE. SPEAK UP. Oh my GOD. This developed like, mid-season 2, from what I recall because all of a sudden he was just whispering. All. the freaking. time. STOP IT! I mean, I get that there are scenes where discretion is key and lowering his voice is unavoidable, but everyone else seems to be able to manage it without the breathy whisper. My GOD.

- Other than that, very interesting plot development in S3. Once again, I LOVE how Michael Scofield was an architect; that was just set up so damn well 'cause it really works in his favor for him. Michael's so SMART!

- Oh, yeah. Bringing Sucre back, I love it. But so sad when he had to say good-bye to Marie-Cruz.

- All in all, looking forward to the next episode!

"I've always liked you Byron, but even bad men love their mommas."

Oh, my god.

I didn't see the original, so I don't know how much dialogue was lifted from the original, but the script was fantastic.

I'm not a huge fan of westerns, but I do love Russell Crowe and Christian Bale so when I learned the two of them were making a movie together, I planned to see it, pretty much before I knew what the movie was. I didn't even really watch the trailer for this movie, didn't see any TV spots or any other advertisement. I didn't know who else was in it or what it was about, really, other than the bare bones of it. I even had this vague idea that time traveling was involved. Anyway, basically I go into that theater expecting nothing other having absolute trust in the two leads.

So Friday night there was this "housewarming" party thing at Cam's, where about 15 of us just talked, a lot, and ate (quiche, bread and olive oil and cheese, chips and salsa dip, that variety of food, oh and a vegan peanut butter cake) and drank (wine and champagne, that's how we do it). I left around 10 'cause I had a lot of homework that I still haven't finished. I get a call at 11:35, "Get out here, we're watching 3:10 to Yuma that only you really wanted to watch, and we got already you a ticket so you have to go and it's at 12 a.m."

I spend 30 seconds agonizing over not making the time, and then I check the NYU bus schedule YES there's an 11:45 bus, so I grab everything and run. The bus is early, for once in its history, and it makes it down 3 avenues and 10+ streets in like 2 minutes, I'm not even kidding, and I make the movie before the trailers start.

Everyone was so perfect in the film. I like how they didn't have the Mexican standoff b/c the whole movie just felt like one, where Dan and Ben couldn't take their eyes off one another and they keep trying to figure out the other's motivations. Ben Wade was just so awesomely ruthless (plus I already knew he'd be SUPER HOT with guns b/c of The Quick and the Dead).

Speaking of motivations, I was initially a little bothered by how Ben suddenly started cooperating after Dan reveals the truth of his injury. Because up until then, he had seemed pretty clear-cut for himself bad. But at the end of the film, I feel like the suggestion is that he's just going to break out of Yuma prison again, which is why he decided to go along with it. Which I guess made it more believable. Also, I love the ending, with Ben going on the train of his own volition because he respected Dan.

Luke Wilson, what the HELL.

I love the score; I want to own it. I want to own this movie. I mean, what else can I say, really? Go, go watch it!

Ahh, Lust, Caution came out this Friday sooo next week I'm going to get that one. EXCITED! Except not as much as I was before I saw 3:10 to Yuma 'cause my heart is all full with that one right now.

television, movies, life, new york city

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