Oct 10, 2011 21:42
[A yawn is the first thing that sounds as a sleepy Oz appears on the screen a moment later, sporting bedhead and looking a bit disheveled. Guess who woke up from his sleep coma?]
Uh... [He blinks a few more times, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes as he yawns again] I guess I was more tired than I thought I was.
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[Despite the smile on Noel's face, it seems that something is... amiss.]
I, um... I advise against leaving your room without mentally preparing yourself first. You see, since Halloween is this month, Miss Ada decided to make the mansion a bit more... festive...
[AKA Horrifying.]
After all, he doesn't know that side of his sister. You might want to explain a bit, as he's still kinda waking up.]
Eh? Festive?
It can't be that bad, can it?
Noel doesn't even want to think about what's out there. She's gotten used to leaving the mansion while looking down at the ground. Otherwise, she'd shrivel into a ball of terror and tears in a corner somewhere.]
I don't even want to describe it... She said she'd tone it down, but... If this is what she calls 'toned down', I don't wanna imagine what it would be like if she went all out... Oh... [Sob.]
It's to this that he flashes a smile and gets out of bed, holding onto the dreamberry with one hand before he sets it down on the bedside table nearest him, kneeling so he was still in view of it]
Give me a moment and i'll go check it out, alright~?
[With that in mind, Oz disappears from view as he sauntered out of his room and into the hallway, checking out all of the decor and well.. not seeming creeped out by it.
Something that's evident when he gets back, looking almost as bubbly as before.]
Uwaa~! It's so scary! Ada really did a great job decorating~
I didn't know she could pull this kind of thing off~
Ah, um, yes... I-It's quite remarkable.
It'll be around all month so there's lots of time to adjust to it all, Noel~
[At this he considers something...] You know... if Gilbert was here, he'd probably be just as creeped out by it and he's ten years older than me~
[Noel is visibly surprised. She somewhat remembered him when he was still in Somarium. Wow...]
Really? But Mister Gilbert seemed so calm and serious all the time... I didn't think that anything would scare him.
If you really wanna scare him though, put him in the same room as a cat. He's really scared of them and it's kinda funny to watch him flail around~
[All spoken so nonchalantly with a smile in place as a soft chuckle leaves his lips]
Um... E-Even though cats are an unexpected fear for him, don't you think that's a little mean...?
Well... Uncle Oscar told me I probably shouldn't do that but... it's fun~! The look on Gil's face every time is rather priceless.
[A slight pause here, the smile never dissipating]
Besides! Ever since he became my servant, i've put him through a lot and he's still wanted to stay being my servant~
Mister Gilbert... Mister Gilbert is... He's a masochist?!]
I... see... Well, I suppose that's okay, then.
[She knows one thing for sure: She will never tell him her fear of bugs.]
I mean... Gilbert's the best servant I could ever ask for! Even if he does have his useless moments.
[It seems blunt but yet... also honest, if that almost gentle smile on his lips is any indication now]
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