Apr 01, 2009 00:01
EEEEeyyyyyaaaaahhahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!! | MetaFilter
Note many links in one line, etc. Start them all then go for a walk, apologize to room mate later.
(tags: youtube video music rock obsess jimgillette nitro)
Catholic bishops in US ban Japanese reiki | World news | The Guardian
Catholic bishops say reiki is inappropriate and "lacks scientific credibility." Unlike, say... oh never mind.(tags: via:davorg religion catholicism reiki failure theology ha)
Spaceflight Now | STS-119 Shuttle Report | Legendary commander tells story of shuttle's close call
"I think the words "we're in deep were said in the cockpit, this could be a problem, guys, you know? This looks bad"... "...a perfect storm of poor communications, caused in part by military restrictions that prevented the crew from downlinking clear images showing scores of chipped and broken tiles, ultimately resulted in a flawed analysis on the ground that indicated the crew had nothing to worry about."
(tags: via:thepouncer space nasa shuttle failure technology)
Super-laser fully operational at last - Innovation- msnbc.com
"After more than a decade of work and $3.5 billion, engineers have completed the world's most powerful laser, capable of simulating the energy force of a hydrogen bomb and the sun itself."
(tags: lasers science government usa weapons nuclearweapons doom madscience wmd)
Flint Michigan considers abandoning portions of city
City considering abandonment of some neighborhoods, withdrawing services.
(tags: via:positivejeff grimmeathookfuture usa urbandecay failure)
Tempers Flare at Debate on the Devil (ABC News)
(tags: religion ha tv)
Phantom killer was a myth: Police track DNA of a cotton bud maker for two years - Bild.de
Police in Germany hunted a sinister phantom killer for two years after finding the same DNA at 39 different crime scenes - only to discover that the source was a woman who made the cotton buds used to collect the sample
(tags: forensics fail crime police dna)
Yoga with Melody Biofeedback, Reiki and Yoga with Melody - Healing People and Pets
"The EPFX/QXCI is the first of its kind to use a Double Blind approach. By dealing on a subconscious level, only the system is aware of the thousands of items being tested. Neither the operator nor the client can influence the scan." WAT
(tags: failure doom psychoceramics psychiatry computers biofeedback wat)
TheQXCI.com - Worldwide EPFX Broker
"The Latin word EPFX/USB (pronounced: ski-o) comes from the Greek meaning "to know" WAT
(tags: failure psychoceramics biofeedback mesmerism computers psychiatry doom)
Chlorine trifluoride, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water, with which it reacts explosively.
(tags: chemicals doom wikipedia poisons explosives irritants hypergolic incindiery chemicalweapons beverages)