Could be one of those Christmas sob stories...

Dec 03, 2004 12:16

Sadie has lost function in her hind legs.

Sadie's doggie wheelchair got stolen. Can you beat that? It was my fault, though. I unhooked her from the chair, and loaded her into my car, hugged my friend goodbye, and drove off. When I realized it, it was gone. I called the police the next day to see if anyone had turned it in (I can dream, can't I?), the woman who answered the phone said, "if it was near Dolores Park, and it had wheels, a homeless person probably has it." I said, "but it's not like they could use it for anything, it's only got two wheels," and she said, "Oh, you'd be surprised." Which I found kind of amusing.
Alas, though. So I ordered another wheelchair. I'll try to post a picture. It's really quite ingenious.

Another thing that's interesting is people's various responses. Most people are so impressed to see her in her chair, trotting along like a little superhero or cyborg dog. But some people aren't so nice. One woman yelled at me from across a busy street, "Does that dog have any quality of life?" My thought bubble said, "Probably more than you, sourpuss." I think I can be trusted to know when it's time for Sadie to go. It may not be too long, true. Waaaah. But as long as there is still joy of life in her eyes, as long as she can chase pinecones and go to the beach in her wheelchair, that day has not arrived.
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