Started hip-hop class (now can I finally realize my dream of becoming a cool dancer?)
Friend Ed sent a lovely compilation of writings on grief.
Planted my first garden (flowers) this weekend (whew - gardening is hard work! Who knew? I'm so sore from turning over soil, spreading and raking, carrying huge bags of soil and mulch).
Brother called from other brother's graduation party, saying they all missed me.
Date from a couple of months ago is very excited to go on a hike with me.
Good friend thoughtfully proposed spending my first father's day without my dad, together with her.
My dog/daughter has arthritis, not something worse.
Helped friend who fell down subway stairs and got a concussion, with her doctor's visits and x-rays.
Started making a website to commemorate Dad.
Back in touch with long-lost friend Tim (now happily remarried).
Reading some interesting books, such as "Einstein's Dreams."
Bought a new book on writing.
Co-workers saw a recent sketch and were impressed, said they may ask me to do some illustrations for them.
My lovely front neighbors are back from two weeks away. Now I can get hugs from Sheila again!
There was a raccoon in my living room the other night!
I have not answered soon-to-be-ex husband's email for, um, 56 hours. Not that I'm counting. Ahem. It's likely I'll want to be friends with him in the future, but right now it's hurting me. And he has had eight months of me being a good, thoughtful, considerate friend to him, but now he has a new girlfriend and a fancy new apartment in San Francisco -- ouch. I need to concentrate on myself, on closing that door so others can open.